Username & Password

How do I reset my password?

Reset your password from our Web App or Mobile App Login Page. First, enter your registered email address, then select Forgot your Password? We'll send you a link to your inbox to reset. If you don't see an email, please check your spam folder.

If you know your password, you can also change it from inside the RoadWarrior Web App:

How do I change my username/display name?

Log in to the RoadWarrior Web App to change your username (email address) or display name:

You'll see a pop up where you can apply any necessary changes.

I lost access to my registered email and I'm locked out. What do I do?

If you no longer have access to your account email, but need to reset your password, email our team at for assistance. Please include the email address associated with your account in the message.

We've updated our user guide to reflect access to our new RoadWarrior Web App. Looking for the User Site Tutorial instead? Click here to see the archive.