Syncing Data & Managing Devices

Each RoadWarrior account comes with a free Basic subscription that allows you to save as many Routes and Favorites as you’d like, but they’ll only be accessible from the device you created them on.

Pro subscribers can access data and Routes across devices (aka, sync their data). 

You can access your account on one device at a time. You are always welcome to add additional devices, just know this logs you out of your current active device.

Issues syncing across devices?

Try a manual sync by opening the side menu, and tapping the sync bar at the bottom of the screen. This will pull the most recent data from your account.

Missing some Routes on a new device?

It is likely that your old Routes were archived, which we do to make sure your account doesn't overload with too much data when you first log in. This data is 100% safe, and is easily restored through our site. 

Learn to manage archived Routes with our reporting tool here